High Beams #4: SPF 405
Saturday, July 17, 2021, Noon- 3pm
Torrance Art Museum
3320 Civic Center Drive., Torrance, CA
Daniel Cummings: TAM1, 2021, site-specific installation with painted tires and gravel, dimensions variable (with Last Ditch)
As part of a larger festival called Ultra!, which is sponsored by the Torrance Art Museum and the city of Torrance, High Beams #4 will feature works from 16 prominent artist collectives from around Los Angeles, Northern California, and Colorado. The first daytime High Beams event will include longtime participants, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Durden and Ray, and Last Ditch, as well as newcomers like MOTOR, SF Artists Alumni, Hyperlink, and La Backyard.
Although the projects will be as varied as the artists themselves, common themes revolve around social justice, life in a post-COVID world, and LA car culture.
Many works were made in response to the traumas of 2020, like Durden and Ray’s poolside ode to the summer that never happened; Level Ground’s response to post-COVID anxiety; ARLA’s connection to domestic life during post-pandemic lockdown; and Technicolor Skies’ triumphal detritus arch dedicated to pandemic “victory”.
Meanwhile, MOTOR, Hyperlink, and La Backyard are planning to configure their vehicles as mobile exhibition spaces, displaying works in and around a trailer, a station wagon, and a pickup truck.
Cara Levine (with TSALA)
Ricardo Harris-Fuentes: Karma-Carpet-Mesa, 2021, acrylic and magic objects on primed unstretched canvas, 6 x 72 x 72 (with TSALA)
Mya Correa: Cigarette 1, 2021, 12 x 6 x 67 inches (with Shoebox Projects)
Galia Linn: (with Shoebox Projects)
Anna Cho: Hypnotic Sputter, 2020, Graphite on paper, 12 x 18 inches (with MOTOR)
Gozie Ojini: Anatomical Opacity (diptych), 2021, cyanotype chemistry on paper, 17.1 x 12.3 inches (with MOTOR)
Chantal Cherry & Casey Brown: Monday Mournings, 2021 (with Level Ground)
Elizabeth Folk: Lucy’s Leisure Vessel, 2019-21, performance prop/self-spanking paddleboat, 8 x 4 x 4 feet, durational performance (with TSALA)
Rebekah Mei: Foreign Familiar, 2021 (with Level Ground)
Dave Clark (with Shoebox Projects)
Dani Dodge and Alanna Marcelletti: Long Lost Summer, 2021, printed beach balls, inflatable pool, papier-mâché, dimensions variable (with Durden and Ray)
The Factronauts (with SF Artists Alumni)
Kim Weller: Welcome Visitors, 2021 (with LAST Projects)
Karim Shuquem: Engraved Piano, 2021, print on handmade mulberry paper (with LAST Projects)
Shea Vititow: 2021, acrylic on canvas with chains, 10 x 10 inches and 36 x 48 inches (with Manual History Machines)
Ben Zask and Peggy Sivert: Flower Pot, 2021, used bricks, found metal, antique colonial pot, 40 x 24 x 24 inches (with SOLA Contemporary)
Alice Marie Perreault: Accessible Depths, 2021 (with 515)
Anita Kucharczyk: Ab Ovo II, mixed media, 36 x 36 x 36 inches (with TSALA)
Participating Galleries
Participating Artists
Susan Amorde
Theresa Anderson
A.S. Ashley
Emily Babette
Raphaele Cohen-Bacry
Shima Taj Bakhsh
Claire Bernson
Holly Boruck
Casey Brown
Daniela Campins
Karla Ekatherine Canseco
Megan Carpenter
Steven Chen
Brenda Reyez-Chavez
Chantal Cherry
Anna Cho
Jinseok Choi
Stevie Choi
Michael Chomick
Ricardo Cisneros
Dave Clark
Amber Cobb
Mya Correa
Andrés Cortes
Daniel Cummings
Jireh Deng
Bree Diaz
Dani Dodge
Pam Douglas
Tobias Fike
Ian Fisher
Don Fodness
Elizabeth Folk
Peter Foucault
Dellis Frank
Ricardo Harris-Fuentes
Rema Ghuloum
Chiho Harazaki
S.P. Harper
Matthew Harris
Josh Hashemzadeh
Shelley Heffler
Gina Herrera
Jeff Iorillo
David Otis Johnson
Alberto Keossian
Lina Kogan
Anita Kucharczyk
Bessie Kunath
Taryn Lee
Cara Levine
Galia Linn
Heather Lowe
Adam Otto Lutz
Alanna Marcelletti
Monica Marks
Alistair Maskell
Karena Massengill
Daisy McGowan
Rebekah Mei
Aryana Minai
Jorge Mujica
Marisa Murrow
Angela Nguyen
Toban Nichols
Jordynn Nusz
Margaret Oakley
Joshua Oduga
Gozie Ojini
Jean-Guerly Pétion
Alice Marie Perreault
Eddie Sierra Pollock
Kyle Patrick Roberts
Kristine Schomaker
Daniel Schubert
Katie Shanks
Ruoyi Shi
Laura Shill
Karim Shuquem
Beverly Siu
Peggy Sivert
Alan S. Tofighi
Derrick Velasquez
Summer Ventis
Shea Vititow
Kim Weller
Stacey Wexler
Tessie Whitmore
Kathryn Wingard
Ashley Williams
Alison Woods
Dajin Yoon
Ben Zask
Xi Zhang
Judy Zhu
Jeff Zilla
Curatorial committee
High Beams #4 is part of a series of ongoing exhibitions organized by a curatorial group of artists including:
Carl Baratta
Katya Usvitsky
Durden and Ray
Dani Dodge
Alanna Marcelletti
Sean Noyce
Hagop Najarian
Level Ground
Labkhand Olfatmanesh
O’ Project Space
Louise O’Donnell
Shoebox Projects
Kristine Schomaker
La Backyard
Andrés Cortes
SOLA Contemporary
Peggy Sivert
LAST Projects
Ilona Berger
Andrew Wingler
Acceptable Risk LA
Katie Shanks
Tobias Fike
Don Fodness
Technicolor Skies
Jordynn Nusz
Beverly Siu
Last Ditch
Hannah Hughes
Chelsea Boxwell
SF Artists Alumni
Toban Nichols
Judy Zhu
Jinseok Choi
Adam Otto Lutz
Alberto Keossian
Alan S. Tofighi