High Beams #5: Night Moves
Oct 30-31, 2021, 8-10pm
Bendix Building Rooftop (11th floor)
1206 Maple Ave., Los Angeles
Karim Shuquem (with LAST Projects)
The curators at High Beams will kick off their fifth iteration of the nomadic outdoor experience, playfully titled Night Moves after the 1976 Bob Seger song of the same name. Positioned beneath the iconic red neon Bendix sign on the building’s rooftop, Night Moves will be the first High Beams project accessible by foot traffic only. Participating galleries include 515, CACtTUS, Durden and Ray, Last Ditch, LAST Projects, Monte Vista Projects, Museum Adjacent, San Francisco Artists Alumni, and TSALA.
Many of the works in High Beams #5 were created in response to the breathtaking views of downtown Los Angeles, including Jamie Hamilton’s 12 x 25 foot aerial net that will allow viewers to relax while taking in the setting; Chelsea Boxwell’s fabric pillars that mimic the forms of nearby skyscrapers; Ben Jackel’s ceramic hanging airplane that gently drifts high in clouds; and Ismael de Anda III’s interactive video installation that uses drone technology and projections for an evolving tableau of the downtown skyline. You can view the image list here
All photos by Dylan Roscover, unless otherwise noted. Video by L.A. Art Documents.
Jorge Mujica (with CACtTUS) Photo: Sean Noyce
Jamie Hamilton (with Last Ditch)
Chelsea Boxwell (with 515)
Ben Jackel (with Durden and Ray)
Kellan Barnebey King & Justin Michell (with Monte Vista Projects). Video by Dylan Roscover
Laura Ricci (with SFAA)
Ilona Berger & Andrew Wingert (with LAST Projects) Video by Dylan Roscover
Nicholas Cienfuegos (with SFAA)
Hagop Najarian, Molly Schulman, Dakota Noot, Josh Vasquez, Sharon Levy, Kim Marra, Leslie Foster, Surge Witron, and Christina Shurts (with Museum Adjacent)
Ismael de Anda III and Eugene Ahn (with Durden and Ray)
Iva Gueorguieva (with TSALA) Photo: Sean Noyce
Participating Galleries
Participating Artists
Eugene Ahn
Ismael de Anda III
Ilona Berger
Chelsea Boxwell
Nicolas Cienfuegos
Elizabeth Folk
Leslie Foster
Ricardo Harris-Fuentes
Iva Gueorguieva
Jamie Hamilton
Ariel Huang
Ben Jackel
Kellan Barnebey King
Sharon Levy
Kim Marra
Justin Michell
Robert Moya
Jorge Mujica
Hagop Najarian
Larissa Nickel
Laura Ricci
Molly Schulman
Karim Shuquem
Christina Shurts
Mitch Temple
Josh Vasquez
Kim Weller
Surge Witrön
Andrew Wingler
Curatorial committee
High Beams #5 is part of a series of ongoing exhibitions organized by a curatorial group of artists including:
Carl Baratta
Katya Usvitsky
Durden and Ray
Dani Dodge
Alanna Marcelletti
Sean Noyce
LAST Projects
Ilona Berger
Andrew Wingler
Last Ditch
Hannah Hughes
Chelsea Boxwell
Museum Adjacent
Hagop Najarian
SF Artists Alumni
Toban Nichols
Judy Zhu
Jorge Mujica